Data Analysis Description
Data Analysis is the process of evaluating data using analytical and logical reasoning in order to examine each component of data. Analysis is one of the many steps that must be completed when conducting research. Data from various sources are gathered, reviewed, and then analyzed to form some sort of finding or insight. There are a variety of data analysis methods. Some of the ones in which I have utilized includes coding, theme identification, and discourse analysis.
Discourse Analysis is the process by which language, both written and spoken, is studied in order to interpret and understand the meanings that are created within the text. Discourse Analysis can involve the discussion of topics such as phonetics and phonology, morphology, semantics and syntax, identity creation, face-work, and much more. The document attached below is an example of how discourse analysis is done. This example shows how analysis can be applied to a speech given by Senator Bernie Sanders.
Thematic coding is a form of qualitative analysis which involves recording and identifying passages of text by common theme or idea. This allows for the text to be possibly indexed in relation to those categories. Intensive reading needs to occur in order to ensure that all relevant ideas are being identified and included. The attached document is one example of this technique being used.

Discourse Analysis